2012: Wrote two essays for Phaidon’s Vitamin Green, a sustainability sourcebook of “the most exciting and original green designs at all scales, from eyeglasses to landscapes and from motorcycles to skyscrapers.” Published in April 2012.

2011: Contributed ’36 Hours’ columns on Salt Lake City, Austin, and Carmel to New York Times/Taschen book 36 Hours: 150 Weekends in the USA & Canada.

2010: Wrote Dwell’s second annual Make It Yours special interest publication.

2009: Wrote Make It Yours, Dwell’s first special interest publication, a 128-page compendium of tips and tricks from architects and designers about how readers can adapt modern design ideas into their own homes.

2007: Contributed ‘Building Home’ essay to A Leaky Tent Is A Piece of Paradise, an anthology of “nature writing for the twenty-first century,” published by Sierra Club Books and edited by Bonnie Tsui. The book illuminates “questions about self and place, belonging and rootlessness, and the meeting of created and natural landscapes.” Read my essay here.

2007: Special correspondent for Travel + Leisure’s second annual guide to “the world’s greatest hotels, resorts, and spas,” published by American Express Publishing Corporation.

2006: Special correspondent and head writer for Travel + Leisure’s first annual collection of the top hotels, resorts, and spas around the world, published by American Express Publishing Corporation.

2006: Wrote Surface Summer Odysseys, a 28-page Surface Magazine/Travel Channel publication featuring insider guides to five up-and-coming destinations: Auckland, Beijing, Cape Town, Dubai, Mexico City, and Reykjavik.